How to Tag Everyone in a Facebook Group 2023. All about @Everyone tag.

How To Tag Everyone In A Facebook Group In 2024?

Want to make an important announcement for everyone in your community but don’t know how to tag everyone in a Facebook group post?

In this blog, we’ll tell you the step-wise process for it.

For those who don’t know – in 2022, Meta introduced a new @everyone feature allowing Facebook group admins and moderators to tag everyone in a group on Facebook.

When you choose to tag @everyone, every member of your Facebook group will get a notification saying they’ve been tagged in a group post.

IMO, it’s an amazing feature and comes handy whenever you want to make an important announcement or share crucial updates or information about events, contests, and more with your community members.

However, make sure to not overuse it and use it sparingly as there is a high chance that members might get annoyed and leave the group altogether. Consider the several groups they’re a part of and admins of each of those groups using it on a regular basis!

The ideal way to use it is for making important announcements ONLY.

Check out what other admins who’re using this feature have to say about it 👇

@everyone tag in a Facebook group

Mention Everyone @everyone in a FB Group Post

Also, please note that this feature is available to use only ONCE in a day.

Now without wasting any more time, let’s understand “how to tag everyone in a Facebook group post?”

How to Tag everyone in Facebook group 2023 and Steps to mention all

How to tag everyone in a Facebook group via Desktop?

1. Login to your Facebook account from your laptop or desktop, and from the left-hand side on the news feed, select the desired Facebook group.

How to Tag Everyone in a Facebook Group 2023

2. Go to the ‘Compose Post’ or ‘Write Something’ section to create your post and hit publish once done.

How To Use The @everyone Tag In Facebook Groups

3. In the comments section, type @ and select “everyone” from the options that appear.

Method to Tag All Members In A Facebook Group Post?

When the @everyone tag is used, group members will get a notification saying, “An admin mentioned you and others in a comment in (group name)”

How does the @everyone tag work in Facebook groups?

How to tag everyone in a Facebook group via Mobile?

1. Open the Facebook app on your phone. Go to the menu by clicking on the three horizontal lines. Head to ‘Groups’ and choose the desired Facebook group.

How to choose group for a post

2. Go to the ‘Compose Post’ or ‘Write Something’ section to create your post and hit ‘publish’ once done.

Post Screen On facebook group

3. Go to the comments section and type @ and select “everyone” from the list of options that appear.

How to select @everyone tag in facebook community

To stay updated with all the latest Facebook group features and updates, keep a tab on our FB group features sneak peek edition. You can check out the last edition here 👇

Latest Facebook group features (July, August, September 2022)

How to tag everyone in Facebook group not working? Here’s what to do

If the @everyone tag is not working in your Facebook group, please don’t worry! This feature is relatively new and is still being tested by Facebook. So, it might be that your group doesn’t have it yet. It might be rolled out in your Facebook group sooner or later.

Also, please remember that you can use the feature only ONCE every day in a Facebook group.

If you are a group member, you cannot use @everyone because this feature is exclusive to group admins and moderators only.

Plus, you cannot use “@everyone” in an old post. The tag will only work on the posts made after the feature’s release.

That’s all about it.

Steps to mention all members of facebook group in a post

Do try out the feature in your Facebook groups and let me know how it worked for you.

Please feel free to drop any queries you might have in the comments section below. Or you can share them in our Facebook group, where admins are constantly discussing the latest community features and so much more about Facebook group issues, engagement, monetization. 🙂

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