Know the step-wise process of how to create a welcome post on Facebook group for new members.

How to create a welcome post on Facebook group?

New members may have a hard time engaging in the community at first. As a Facebook group admin, the onus is on you to acknowledge them and make them feel comfortable.

And creating a welcome post on Facebook Group is undoubtedly a great way to start off on the right foot.✅

To know how to create a welcome post on Facebook group through a laptop/desktop, please follow the steps given below.

How to Create a Welcome Post on Facebook Group for New Members? 

1. Log in to your Facebook account, and from the left-hand side of the news feed, open the group you’d like to create a welcome post in.

How to welcome new members in Facebook group, how to create a welcome post on Facebook group

2. Click on the ‘Members’ tab you see at the top.

How to Find New Members in Facebook Group

3. On the right-hand side of the page, you will see a dialog box that says – “You have xx new members in your group this week”, followed by the ‘write welcome post’ button.

Members in FB Group, how to create a welcome post on Facebook group

4. Click on the button, and you will be taken to the compose post section with all the new members tagged

Process of how to create a welcome post on Facebook group for new members.

5. Customize your welcome message with the desired image, text, or video and hit post.

Note: As per Facebook’s latest update, you can welcome only 100 members at a time as opposed to the previous ability to welcome 300 members.

How to Create a Post for New Facebook Group Members

A good practice is to welcome new members at least once every week. We do the same in our Facebook group.

However, suppose you have a large number of people joining your community daily. In that case, you can choose to welcome new members once every two or three days. This way, you’ll be able to welcome everyone easily, no matter the new FB update and increase your Facebook group engagement.

If you’d like to get some more ideas on how to keep your members active and engaged, check out this blog 👇🏻

25 highly effective Facebook group engagement ideas

How to tag all new members in a Facebook group?

When you create a welcome post in your group, Facebook automatically tags all new members in the post, making things easier.

The best idea for a welcome message for new member in Facebook group

Look at this Welcome Post Template we use to welcome new members in our Facebook group of power admins.

Way to welcome New members in a Facebook Group, how to create a welcome post on Facebook group

Here’s what makes it great and gets new members to engage.

Short and simple post

Our text message is short, simple, and sweet. We extend our warm welcome to the newbies and encourage them to introduce themselves by telling us about the community they are building and what problems we can help them solve.

Best way to welcome all new members

All essential details in images and links in comments

As you can see, we post a carousel of images in our welcome post. Each photo tells about one important thing members should refer to in the community.

How to welcome new members in Facebook, how to create a welcome post on Facebook group

At the same time, we share important links in the comments like that of the workshop we conduct and blogs through which other admins have learned a lot.

Welcome in community

Existing members make new members feel welcome

Our bunch of existing members dive right in and post their greetings, creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere.

Welcome in community

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below.

How to Monitor keywords in a facebook group

Or you can also write to me in our Facebook group, where hundreds of Facebook group admins are discussing this and more about community building.🙂

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